Your Weekly Fortune
Your Weekly Fortune
No matter what the problem is, it's always a people problem.
—Gerald M. Weinberg

Show and tell, browse, discuss vintage computers, Sat, Apr 22, 2023, 2:30 PM | Meetup
If you have something to bring for show and tell, please do! It can be something new, or something you already brought before. There will be tables and extension cords for exhibits. Or, just bring yourself!
There will be pizza! Hosted by DFW Retrocomputing.

DFW HUGS - Featured Speaker Terraform PM Kyle Ruddy!, Thu, Apr 20, 2023, 4:00 PM | Meetup REMOTE
Hosted by the DFW Hashicorp Users Group, Kyle Ruddy will be discussing cloud automation tool Terraform.

Game Development Discord Mixer!, Thu, Apr 20, 2023, 7:00 PM | Meetup REMOTE
Hosted by indie game dev non-profit Society of Play. Check out their Twitter

The search element
With the addition of search, now every ARIA landmark has a native HTML equivalent.

NCTCOG Makes 21 Free Drone Workshops Available to Public on YouTube » Dallas Innovates
There are so many drones flying our skies that the North Central Texas Council of Governments began an education series two years ago that now is available on its YouTube page. The free series focuses on best practices, safety, and the many uses of drones.

IT Firm Blames Ex-Employee for Dallas Job Ad for "White" and "Only Born US Citizens"
Social media channels are blowing up with outrage over a job for a Dallas based business analyst that purportedly limited the candidate pool to white, "Only Born US Citizens."