Full Stack DFW

👉 TODAY 12:30PM CT Lunch'n'Learn: Flameproofing Your Tech Career with Dana Arroway
For this month's Lunch and Learn, Dana Arroway is talking about self care strategies we can implement to protect our physical and mental health.
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DFW Tech

Eden Green’s Eddy Badrina on the Need for Vertical Farming
...Cleburne-based ag-tech startup opened a new, two-acre vertical greenhouse in September as part of a planned $47 million vertical farm

Denton on Monday: DC940 (Feb. 2023): A Little Red, A Little Blue and GPT, Mon, Feb 20, 2023, 6:30 PM | Meetup
Pwning boxes, defending against the pwn and using GPT for both. with DC940 is Denton's longest-running monthly Information Security Meetup. Formerly known as Pwn School Denton, it was rebranded as a DEFCON Group in October 2021. The group consists of Information Security Professionals and Hobbyist Hackers alike. Monthly meetings offer the latest information on Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures pertaining to Information Security and Hacking.

Parts of TxDOT’s billion-dollar Southeast Connector delayed as project is hit by inflation | Fort Worth Report
Budgeted at $1.6 billion, the project’s construction is expected to start in early March but sections will be pushed back until further funding is found.

North Texas is a top area for parental leave benefits
Dallas ranks first for paternity leave and nursing benefits and second for maternity leave and child care assistance.

Inside Safe City, Moscow’s AI Surveillance Dystopia
Moscow promised residents lower crime rates through an expansive smart city project. Then Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine.

The rise and fall of the company behind ‘Reader Rabbit’ and all your favorite educational games | The Outline
Inside the collapse of a once-robust industry, and the ‘Shark Tank’ star who abetted the process.