Full Stack DFW

🥳 Full Stack DFW has 200 members – Meetup
Alright, alright – a bunch of those Meetup lurkers. But we've been busy – so share the group with a dev friend, a co-worker, and let us know if you'd like to speak at a Lunch'n'Learn!
DFW Tech

DFW Places in the Top 5 in Coworking Survery - Dallas Innovates
In Dallas alone, remote workers nearly quadrupled from 2019 to 2021, and many of them have found spots among the city's 98 coworking spaces

🎃 Pumpkin patch guide - Axios Dallas
Last chance y'all. Also – was I the only one inundated with Babs' guide to pumpkin carving?

Dress Up as One of These Texas Characters for Halloween ... For Practically Nothing! | Dallas Observer
It's that glorious time of the year when people open their doors to the sounds of eager knocks from tiny ghouls in search of delicious candy. If we celebrated Halloween more and war less, the world would be a much nicer place. If you're an adult who believes in maintaining...

Senator Questions Zuckerberg About Facebook’s Collection of “Sensitive Health Information” – The Markup
In the Metaverse, everyone will know your name, the last four of your SSN, and the results of your last blood panel.

Be the Villain or "What is the evil version of this feature?”
Eric Bailey argues that truly empathetic product design is impossible without considering how the tools we build can be (ab)used to cause harm. C.f. the bad man theory of law. And consider yourself warned that Chris has an ever-growing folder of links categorized as "tech realism" along these lines.