DFW Tech

Dallas/Hybrid: Human-Voice interaction in the Google Cloud Ecosystem, Thu, Sep 1, 2022, 7:00 PM
history of computer voice interactions, what is new with the Google Assistant and conversational actions, App actions and how to think about voice interactivity as you design the future of computing. With Mark Scheel of Google, @5280mark. Hosted at evolv with Bottle Rocket and GDG.

The Ultimate Coworking Guide in Fort Worth - Sparkyard
A decent guide to co-working spaces in Fort Worth – from the Sparkyard co-working space.

Rooftop Cinema coming to Fort Worth
Maybe this will convince you to finally give Downtown Fort Worth a second change?

Texas Drought Exposes Dinosaur Tracks - The New York Times
Dinosaur Valley State Park is home to Acrocanthosaurus and Sauroposeidon tracks. The temporarily dry Paluxy River allowed researchers to discover more.
Measurable and meaningful skill levels for developers
...for devs, the best indicator of developer skill is the subjective assessment of other skilled engineers.

Beyond WCAG: Losing Spoons Online - TPGi
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technically pass WCAG, but what's a polite way to explain to your designer that their "accessible" design is ruining people's days? Enter the Spoon Metaphor.