DFW Tech

Women Entrepreneurs – Apply for AccelerateHER with Stoke/CWE (Denton)
The Center for Women Entrepreneurs (CWE) at Texas Woman’s University and Stoke Co-Working will soon select the third cohort of women entrepreneurs participating in AccelerateHER, an incubator program specifically for women-owned start-ups — the first of its kind in Denton. Deadline is August 22.

📚 Bologna at the Border – Texas Monthly
"The quantities of intercepted bologna are so large that it’s hard to believe that there are any pigs left in the world."

A New Forest of 6.3 Million Trees
North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD), in collaboration with Resource Environmental Solutions (RES), is celebrating the completion of one of the largest environmental restoration projects of its kind in the U.S. After four years of dedicated efforts, North Texas is now home to a new and growing forest of 6.3 million trees, thousands of acres of enhanced wetlands and grasslands and 70 miles of improved streams. This thriving, renewed ecosystem was completed as part of the Bois d’Arc Lake project, the first major reservoir built in Texas in 30 years.

Benefits of prioritizing real time sync – Linear's Tuomas Artman
Great food for thought for anyone handling distributed systems. And I highly recommend Tuomas's talk from 2020 where he goes into great detail on their protocol at Linear.app