DFW Tech

Show and tell, browse, discuss vintage computers, Sat, Jan 28, 2023, 2:30 PM | Meetup
It's time for the next DFW Retrocomputing meetup. If you have something to bring for show and tell, please do!

hackTAMS 2023.1.28-1.29
Send that DFW high school keyboard warrior you know to this hackathon this weekend at UNT to hack, prototype, and maybe win a prize.

DMN Interactive: Big Tex Half-Million Dollar Man
I know it's not state fair time. It's stock show time. And there's an argument this should really be under DFW tech sure. All I know is this interactive article is amazing and NOT behind the DMN paywall.

Best delis in Texas and DFW: Eat This, Not That list | wfaa.com
Eat This, Not That recently unveiled their list of the best delis in every state. In Texas, they pointed to Weinberger's in Grapevine.

The Lawfare Podcast: Bryan Cunningham on a Federally Funded Backstop for the Cyber Insurance Ecosystem - Lawfare
SOC-3 Compliance eat your heart out. A great convo from Lawfare and UCI's Cybersecurity Research Institute on the evolving business of insuring against cyber threats and the ability of the government to compel insurance companies to regulate industries they serve. The underlying article is here on page 15 of the PDF.
Various press reports have indicated that the Biden administration intends to release its cyber strategy in the coming weeks. The cyber strategy will likely cover a range of issues. One potential topic could involve the creation of a federal response or “backstop” to the financial exposure risks that insurers and reinsurers face from future catastrophic cyber incidents affecting those that they insure.