DFW Tech

DFW Pythoneers Main Monthly Meeting - An Introduction to Deep Learning, Thu, Jan 5, 2023, 6:00 PM | Meetup
Deep Learning and Python with Andrew Minkin.

Legigram: Rethinking Civic Tech at Google Developer Groups GDG Dallas on Thursday at 6:45PM – 2023.01.12 | Hybrid
Chris will be presenting some lessons learned about civic tech from his Legigram project for Google Developers Group Dallas. Come out!
Texas Bill Would Offer Tax Credits for Grocery Stores that Open in Food Deserts
"Access to nutritious food should not be determined by a person's ZIP code.”

A Guide To Command-Line Data Manipulation
No more random scripts in Python and JavaScript to transform CSV or JSON data. In this article, Alvin Bryan shows you how to use Miller, a small and powerful CLI tool, to do all your data processing.